Discipline! Nummer 1 eigenschap van een succesvolle trader

Naast een plan, een systeem, heb je ijzeren discipline nodig om een succesvolle trader te worden. Niet reageren op emotie, maar op je door jou zelf opgestelde regels volgens een eigen gemaakt plan dat bij jou past. Discipline is niet aangeboren, maar kun je leren. Lees er alles over in het gratis e-book geschreven door Rob Booker, nu te downloaden op https://tradingdutch.com/lezen-en-luisteren.


Have you ever exited a trade at a loss, only to find that the trade would have been profitable only a little while later? Have you ever exited a losing trade, opened one in the opposite direction, and then lost twice?


I have. I used to make those mistakes and many others.

Have you ever not stayed in a trade long enough to get the full mount of profit from it?

Discipline is the answer. Disciplined traders succeed and undisciplined traders fail. It’s really that easy.

This isn’t an e-book about Forex trading, though – at least not directly. It’s really about how you can learn to acquire greater discipline in your life, which will make you a better trader (much better). In fact, I promise that this book will make you a better trader, as long as you’re willing to give some of my advice a try. Once you’ve acquired greater discipline in your life, I’ve got a bunch of Forex trading strategies that you can use (or you can find many, many others elsewhere). But none of those strategies are worth anything without discipline, because…

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